Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Help save this little chihuahua!

Wallace has lost all his bottom teeth and most of his lower jaw

The Gilbert Police Department recently seized a small dog in distress. A large dog was pulling Wallace through a fence and the extent of his injuries caused him to lose most of his bottom jaw. However, Wallace managed to survive. The vet was able to reconstruct something that resembles a lower jaw with the remaining jaw tissue. He is currently in the care of Panacea Animal Wellness Sanctuary in Arizona.

From Panacea Animal Wellness Sanctuary:
The local police department contacted Panacea Animal Wellness Sanctuary about a small dog that was being seized due to neglect.  When we initially received the call, we had no idea the extent of the injuries.  Apparently a very small chihuahua was being pulled through a fence by a much larger dog.  Once the larger dog let go, the lower jaw of the little dog was practically gone.   By some miracle, little Wallace was still alive.  Instead of seeking treatment, Wallace went untreated for 2 weeks.   A concerned citizen reported the incident to the police who first seized Wallace and then rushed him to a local shelter for care.   Wallace's injuries were too severe.  He lost all of his bottom teeth and most of his jaw.  There was at least some viable jaw tissue left so that the doctor could reconstruct something that resembled a jaw.  Wallace has a very long journey to recover from emergency surgery and we really need your help. 

If you would like to help Wally in his recovery, please donate or help spread the word about this dog in need!

Take care!

Update (8/15/2014): Over $1000 has been raised for Wally! He's up and walking again and doing great in recovery!

Update (8/23/2014): Great news! Wally has gone to a foster home with one of the police officers that helped rescue him. Thanks Officer Tracy

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