Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rat paw print art DIY

Rats are playful and curious creatures. I own two 7-month-old rat brothers (Timmy, the black hooded rat, and Butters, the double rex) and I can tell you that they love running around and having fun. This morning, I decided to do this little DIY project with them. As many rat owners know, rats have fairly short life spans (about 2-3 years) so you want to make the most of the time they're here. I thought, what better way to remember them by than doing a fun, creative project with them!

I suggest only doing this project with tamed and healthy rats that don't mind being picked up and handled

Here are the materials you need:
  • Canvas paper (this is what I used) or any thick, durable paper like cardstock
  • NON-TOXIC watercolor paint
  • Newspaper to avoid spills and messes
  • Some fun-loving ratties

First, lay out some newspaper on the floor and place the paper on the newspaper. Add water to the watercolor palettes, but make sure they aren't too wet or the prints will become watery. Also try keep the paint away from the rats (Timmy attempted to drink the watercolor).

Take your rat and gently place his paws onto the watercolor. Next, set him down on the paper and allow him to walk around (use treats to guide him if you'd like!). Repeat this process for as many different colors as you'd like. Remember that rats lose interest and patience fairly quickly. To avoid frustration in your rats, try to keep the length of this project under five minutes. 

After you're all done, rinse off their paws and give them lots of treats as a reward!

Now you have your own piece of rattie art!
Butters( left) and Timmy (Right)

Thanks for reading!


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