Friday, August 15, 2014

This new app helps raise money for animal rescues

Screenshot of Animal Rescue Rush
For all of you out there with iPods, iPhones, or iPads, here's a new app that you can download! Animal Rescue Rush is a racing game for all ages. The game play is simple: choose an animal as your character, pick a map to race in, and choose the type of race you want (single player or multi-player). The game is free to download and a portion of the money earned from advertisements and in-game purchases go towards four different animal charities!

Check out the video below:
Animal Rescue Rush is currently only available for iOS, so I have not had a chance to try it out yet as I only have Android devices. Based on the video, this game seems to have good graphics and a straightforward game play. Kids will surely love playing as fun animal characters and enjoy the excitement of racing. I'm not sure how much teenagers and adults will like it, but perhaps the benefit of donating to animal charities will encourage more players.

Founder Ben Murray and his team hope to have Animal Rescue Rush available for Android at the end of August 2014. I'll be sure to download the app and have an update for you then! If you have an iOS device, go ahead and give it a try and leave a comment below letting us know what you think. You'll also be helping animals in need!

Have fun!

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